Monday, 2 December 2019


The main changes are: For example this fixed: You can select x1, x1. All logos and symbols are trademark of their respective owners. Many things have been fixed, you can download it in the files section. As usual you can download the latest version in the files section. Development of ePSXe has slowed down during the summer but is now back to speed. epsxe 1.9.25 bios and plugins

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So it is recommended to use HomeBrew to install. Rampage now works, Crash Bash: Millions of thanks to Pete Bernert, Tapcio and Edgbla. After a long down time the page is finally back online. It fixes a bug reading the cpu overclock data from the register, and the config gpu in Russian language.

epsxe 1.9.25 bios and plugins

All logos and symbols are trademark of their respective owners. Improved multitap andd added autofire support. In summer we plugijs to continue working in ePSXe encouraged by the users support even after 4 years without updates. If the version 2. You can select x1, x1. During this time the ePSXe development has been on hold and our lives have changed a lot, probably just like yours.

ePSXe 1.9.25

The main things that have been changed or added in this version are: Many things have been fixed and some more features should be included in another fix version that will be released shortly. Many things have been fixed in the cd-rom decoder and the core. The MDEC decoder has been rewritten.

epsxe 1.9.25 bios and plugins

You can find it in the downloads section how to install below. We would also want to give our thanks to Shalma who worked on ePSXe Shark, several plugins and plugins "repairs series". Other languages could be added in a future version. Follow the next steps depending on your selection A No UI version.

Grapics by ardnac, created by Bobbi from NGEmu. This option is better when the CPU is slower. As usual you can download the latest version in the files section.

Your dose of piracy ePSXe with BIOS free full download (PS1 Emulator)(Updated)

Please stay tuned, we will inform you as soon as we get 1.9.5 update. The main changes are: Many fixes to the cd-rom decoder and core that fixed almost games Improved input devices support On the fly memory card change Fixed changedisc feature Support for SBI subchannel files Support for PBP disc images Cheat codes support We hope you will enjoy this release!

Compatibility is lower and memcards support limited. For example this fixed: It is recommended to copy your PS1 bios scph It should run again some games broken on interpreter cpu mode on the v2.

Starting with version 1. Many thanks to you and your brother: A new version of the Pete's Software Plugin is ad. The iso support code has been rewritten. We were thinking of different ways to get funds for the development of ePSXe and finally decided to develop an Android port. Hello everybody, ePSXe has rpsxe completly reached the state we would have liked for this release, but we have been very busy lately and improvements are taking longer than we had thought.

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