Sunday, 8 December 2019


The Card Manager dialog will be displayed. User Limiting When the number of users inside the perimeter area is equal to the maximum of either User Limit A or User Limit B then prevent any more users from entering. The first controller that appears in this step should be set to address 1 on the controller, second controller set to address 2 etc. Current Info Total events in log Total number of logged events. The field is usually read-only; it may be altered only when creating a new record. Card Print Page Card Print Page This page allows different encoding formats for magnetic stripe cards and barcoding profiles to be added for different cards. File Open This will close any currently loaded database. actwin pro 2.8

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Database records are added, deleted etc. Closing ACTWinPro during a download or cancelling the download could leave a controller in an indeterminate state. This application can only be used on PCs on which it has been installed.

actwin pro 2.8

Connect to the controllers and ensure axtwin are online. Ensure the Launch and Activations permissions are Allowed for Local and remote users; if they are not set then enable the permissions and restart the ACTWinPro software.

ACTWin Pro Download -

The user must have the Extended Actwni user option. Card Print Page Card Print Page This page allows different encoding formats for magnetic stripe cards and barcoding profiles to be added for different cards. After the users have been found, they may then be deleted if required.

For ACTWinPro users, the location where all the card templates are stored should be assigned to a shared folder on the network, so that all users may see the same templates. Encryption Key An Encryption key consisting of a digit number may be ppro into the ACTWinPro to prevent unauthorized access to the controllers.

The file is in standard actwni separated value CSV format. This may be Serial port where the PC is connected directly to the controllers or is connected using a RS interface.

actwin pro 2.8

Managing cards, running the Card Editor program, backing up the database, deleting unused users and many other useful facilities are available from the Tools menu. Each item in the database menu is covered in this section. It is only accessible when the system is offline.

Act ACTWIN PRO Manuals

It allows the program to be registered with ACT. A guide is given to these different features: It por allows quotes to be used to surround text fields. When the status of a door changes, it will be shown periodically on the display until it reverts to normal. Page 70 When the door closes, the output will de-activate.

If the Single button is pressed, then the User Search Dialog is displayed to allow a single user to be selected. Any other desired options acgwin be configured as appropriate, and the new record Access Granted or Denied must also be ticked.

Act ACTWIN PRO Manuals

Upload Command The database should be created and actwkn with the controllers on the system. It does this by requiring users to exit acfwin area before re-entry will be granted.

If the system has several Locations then the following dialog is displayed to allow The Timer value selects how long the relay fires for. If a change is made to the database, the change must be sent to the connected controllers. Select the second checkbox if a site code or batch cards are required for user cards. Page 82 Access Control Technology No means no access.

Enter 28 from picture: The database will be stored as a Jet file. The report is also exportable to a spreadsheet via the Export command in the File Menu. This is useful where there is a high turnover of cardholders eg.

Page 21 Access Control Technology

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