Saturday, 30 November 2019


Want to Read Currently Reading Read. It's a little different than the average fantasy novel which kept me interested. Enjoyable read but did carry on long enough for me to skim a bit. Perhaps my attention span is getting shorter. May 30, Sydnie Macelroy rated it it was ok. the great convergence joseph lallo pdf

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Enjoyable read but did carry on long enough for me to skim a bit.

Joseph R. Lallo

It's a little different than the average fantasy novel which kept me interested. This added to the high drama of the story and I loved it.

Right now, I'm not sure I even care to finish the series.

the great convergence joseph lallo pdf

Another fault of this book is how the story could not focus on one character's viewpoint. And the prophesy said that the five Chosen would end the war, but Lain wants nothing to do with it. Sadly this one comes nowhere near that. We left Myranda following Lain out of the cave at Entwell hoping to convince him to stop the war because he had been shown to be one of the five Chosen. Sometimes its hard to see them push through. The writing style is a little bizarre. If I could give it three and a half stars, I would, as this book definitely rates more than three but excess baggage keeps it from gaining a whole four.

the great convergence joseph lallo pdf

Instead of being irritating, it's part of the book's charm as most thw novel assume the heroes know how to do what they need to do and how could they possibly? Roll on book 3. Your continued power is an illusion for the benefit of your people.

I always thought this was something of an art form. Feb 26, Kindleworm Dot Com rated it really liked it. Loved it immensely even though it was slow. I'm on to book three!

Well written compelling fantasy adventure with strong characters you come to care about. Quotes from The Great Converg Great two books so far! Imagine what the next pages will bring.

The writing was notably verbose and often suffered from poor word choice, and the plot was slow and uninteresting. Download From Comrade To Citizen It got to the point that I had to scan through the battles because it was just the same thing over and over: When next my stylus is put to work, all that remains will be revealed. It's one battle after another, all of them seemin If I could give it three and a half stars, I would, as this book definitely rates more than three but excess baggage keeps it from gaining a whole four.

I enjoy the characters and what they must endure to help the world defeat evil. In part one of this series we were reminded that in order for lasting change to happen in your struggle against addictions, your entire being — mind, will, and The Great Convergence Itinerary.

Want to Read Currently Reading Read. The book does end on a cliffhanger.

The Great Convergence (Book of Deacon, book 2) by Joseph R Lallo

To view it, click here. This led to some rather confusing scenes especially towards the end of the book when the number of major characters grew. It's just not a story without that tumultuous hreat tear. This is characterization at its' finest.

Had I the strength, I would not rest until every last word was recorded. I had put it down for wuite some time but i started reading it again.

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